Friday, April 13, 2012

Fish Egg Friday (aka. Banding Together Against Ciate)

This picture was never actually meant to be posted. I decided to try the "fish egg" look a couple weeks ago and took this picture just to show some friends and my mom.

However, after I started seeing these "Fish Egg Friday" posts going up around the nail blogs, I wanted to join in. I support my fellow bloggers and it's irritating to see companies attack them for ridiculous purposes. (Not to mention, it's kind of just plain stupid on their part if they understand the blogging community at all.)

Basically, Ciate has been sending C&D letters to bloggers who have been using the term "Caviar Nails" or "Caviar Manicure" with the explanation that they are IN THE PROCESS of trademarking it. Not only is this silly because they do not yet HAVE the trademark, but there is also another issue: someone else had done it first! THIS blog post on the idea was posted over a year ago! The full story of the letters sent to one blogger can be read here.

Fish Egg Manicure

So here are the Kaviar/Fish Egg nails! This look can be done for a FRACTION of the price of Ciate's (the Ciate Caviar Manicure retails for $25!). I got a set of microbeads from Michael's scrap booking section for about $7 for 6 "tubes" (that will last for MANY manicures). You don't need any special polish either. I found that using a coat of Gelous OR Seche Vite both worked to stick the beads on, though with SV you have to work really quickly or the beads won't stick.

So join me and the other bloggers in boycotting Ciate and their overpriced "fish egg" manicure. To quote Cris from Let Them Have Polish...

"Ciate can kiss my microballs!"

Here are some of the other bloggers who participated in Fish Egg Friday!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Love it! The rest of us are posting at 5pmEST! Thanks for joining in :)

    1. Haha, I guess I jumped the gun a bit after seeing a couple already (it was purely spontaneous, too - I didn't hear anything about Fish Egg Friday til an hour or so ago). I can't WAIT to see them all, though!!

  2. Love this post! That is the stupidest thing they could have done! All the free advertising they would have had and now the polish blogger world has essentially boycotted them!

  3. i'm early too so mine is up as well! thanks for joining!

  4. I did caviar manicure today on my blog.
    I love your nail art. I am your new follower x

  5. Love this! I'm adding you to my list of bloggers to link to in my fish egg friday post =)

  6. Great post! And great nails! ^-^

  7. Love how the black looks! I may have to try this out soon. :)

  8. Talk about a good way to shoot yourself in the toenail! I personally do not like the "Fish Egg" look. I would not ever pay that much for it. But now that company is going to have people talking bad about them when they could have had great advertising by sending a free sample to the bloggers instead of the stupid letter. It seems silly to me that the company would cut out all the free advertising they could have had. I buy way too much polish. I buy what I see online on blogs that I think looks cool. Keep up with all your beautiful work and thanks for sharing!

    1. Really agree with this! How many times have we bought polishes after seeing a great review and amazing photos! I only shop online and couldn't be without bloggers. Keep up the good work, wonderful bloggers!

  9. Love how it's such a black black!

  10. I'm not big with this caviar nails, but this trademark thing is so silly =='

  11. Fish Egg Friday - what a great name LOL - and what a silly story about Ciate, sigh.... really silly....
    But I love you egg mani - being caviar or not - but hey wait, black fish eggs ARE caviar, right...!!

  12. How ridiculous. Sometimes I think polish companies are out to deliberately shoot themselves in the foot. Your caviar manicure looks amazing :)

  13. What is the glitter polish on the other fingers? Its gorgeous! :)

  14. Looks like Ciate were also among the nail polish false advertising companies under investigation for toxins in California. Looks like this company is just all around deceptive and bad.

  15. Ciate is just being plain silly about this. They are IN THE PROCESS of trademarking the term, and they haven't yet, so we can call it all we want. I'm never buying their crap again :)

  16. amazing nail art love this technique :-)

  17. I'm boycotting Ciate as of now, and I love the fish egg Friday concept. Got to get me some microbeads!


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