
Friday, January 20, 2012

TRIAL GIVEAWAY: Essence Nail Arts Twins - Bonnie & Clyde!

Ok, so here's the deal.  I've never done a giveaway simply because I didn't really know how.  But now I'm starting to do my research and figure it out a little.

When I hit 400 followers last weekend, it made me realize how much I would love to give back to all of you for your wonderful comments and providing me with motivation to keep swatching and blogging.  So in the works is a giveaway for when I hit 500 followers, but in the meantime I wanted to test out this giveaway stuff and see how it goes and iron out any wrinkles that I discover.

So here is the motivation for this giveaway:
  1. To provide a little something to my wonderful followers.
  2. For ME to gain some understanding in the giveaway department so any in the future will go smoothly and easily
  3. To promote my new Facebook page for Goose's Glitter.  It's new, and I haven't gotten all of my pictures into the gallery yet, but it's developing and I'd love for all of you to join me there if you'd like!
  4. To maybe gain a few extra followers in the process to reach that 500 goal mark so I can start planning a "real" giveaway. 
On to the fun stuff: THE PRIZE!

For this little trial giveaway, I decided to make the prize kind of small to keep it a bit more simple.  When I did a swap with Dolores over at Colorful Bottle, she sent me some extras (duplicates), and I wanted to share a couple with you.  This is Essence Nail Art Twins Bonnie & Clyde:

And the swatches:

Essence - Bonnie

Essence - Bonnie and Clyde

The color is a tad bit more green than the picture shows, but for some reason my camera has a hard time with teal/green.  Bonnie is almost a one-coater, and is perfectly smooth and glossy at two coats.  And don't you just LOVE the square holo glitter in Clyde?!  I don't know why other companies haven't jumped on THAT bandwagon in the midst of all the "multi-glitter" polishes out lately!

The prize bottles are brand new and unopened (as far as I know - they don't have any wrappings on them or anything).

And now, on to the not-so-fun stuff: the rules.
  • All entries must be submitted within the Rafflecopter widget below (requires Javascript).
  • All entries will be verified.  Broken links or unverifiable "follows" or "likes" will be disqualified.
  • Duplicate entries will be disqualified.
  • Comments on this or any other post will NOT be counted as entries.
  • This is open to everyone.  While I cannot GUARANTEE that it will get to you, I will do my best to ship both within the US and internationally.
This list of rules is not exhaustible, as I may have left some out since this is my first giveaway.  I plan to learn some by experience, so keep this in mind.  I do reserve the right to cancel or postpone this giveaway at any time should problems arise, but I will do my best to work them out (and of course, I will keep you updated should I encounter any issues along the way).

I look forward to seeing how this goes (good or bad!) so that I may improve on it for the next time!  Thank you all for your support and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is REALLY pretty! Thanks for the giveaway, too. :)

  2. This is a great duo! Awesome giveaway!

  3. I don't have a blog, so I can only imagine the amount of work involved in a giveaway. Plus, those polishes are gorgeous. Thanks for doing this!

  4. Congrats on your give away! I noticed you didn't ask for emails to notify the winner. Having them might be easier for you at the end of the giveaway.

    1. Hmmm, you're right... although when I "manage" the entries I can see an email listed for everyone. I think if you log in through facebook it gives me your address connected to facebook for me to notify you and if you don't use facebook you have to log in with a name and email. Honestly I'm not sure because I can't actually SEE what rafflecopter is asking for entries, lol. I could if I entered my own giveaway but I don't want to do that and mess up the entries (though I think I could delete them afterwards?)

      Haha, this is what I mean by "figuring everything out" this time around so it goes better next time!

  5. I think I'm in love with Clyde! :D I don't own any Essence polishes, but these look awesome! thankies for the giveaway!

  6. I came here from Liquid Jelly, to see who had chosen the same answer as me for all the same reasons :D .

    You've got really good swatch photography!

    I love the blue creme part of the couple.
    I'm on the look out for a shade of blue just like that and I do hope our company who works with Essence decides to import it - they seem to pick just the boring and ugly shades and lines :P .
    Had it not been for nail-bloggers I would have lived with the impression that Essence is, nail-product-wise, a boring company!

  7. Gorgeous! Such a nice combo these Essence ones! ;-)

  8. Beautiful Blue twins. Thanks for a peek at some great colors.

  9. Nice giveaway! Love the colors!

  10. I hope that worked. Please let me know. If not. I don't know what else to do...


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