
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hard Candy Glossaholic - Chill Out

I may have said this before, but I rarely EVER wear makeup. However, I TRY to wear lip balm/gloss as much as I can because I have this horrible habit of picking at my lips when they are chapped (which is all the time... because I pick at them *sigh*).

I was nail polish hunting at Wal Mart when I noticed these awesome flaky lip glosses by Hard Candy, so I figured I'd try one for only $5. Why not?

Hard Candy Glossaholic - Chill Out

One thing I didn't notice just by looking at them is the awesome HUGE applicator that it comes with! I mean seriously, this thing is about two and a half times thicker than most lip gloss applicators, and I think it's great (I don't know why, I just like it)! It does seem to have some serious suction behind it though every time I pull it out. Check this doozy out!

It actually looks really neat on as well! It contains both blue and orange flakies in a clear base - this is similar to Finger Paints Asylum or Deborah Lippmann's Edge of Glory flakies nail polishes.

**BTW... I'm desperately trying to find Asylum at the moment and not for ridiculous ebay prices... if your Sally's has them I'd love to buy one from you!!!**

Here is how Chill Out looks on:

The second picture shows how the orange flakies change to green at an angle - totally awesome! It won't add any color to your lips, but I kind of like that because you could wear it over your favorite color to add some sparkle!


  1. Oh My! FLAKIE LIPGLOSS!!!!!!!! That looks so cool..... I LOVE IT!

  2. Love this gloss. I'm going to have to check this out!

  3. Oh man I wish I would have gotten this one instead. I got the "coffee" scented one with the Hidden Treasure looking flakes. It looked so pretty but then I opened it and I couldn't handle the scent. It was just too much for me, though I am a bit sensitive to scents. It didn't smell like coffee, to me anyway. Oh well. Maybe I'll try this one because I love vanilla! Very pretty swatches! <3

    1. Same with me. I'm not particularly sensitive to scents (or taste), but I agree, the coffee one did not taste or smell like coffee. It literally makes me sick and I can't use it. I should have bought the vanilla. Very disappointing. :(

  4. i can probably get Asylum for you. i will email you. btw that lip gloss looks gi-frigging-gantic! WTH? can that even fit in a purse? i've got to see this in person!


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