
Monday, January 30, 2012

Essie - Armed and Ready (with comparison)

Ever since I first saw swatches of Essie Armed and Ready, I knew I wanted it. I love army greens and I love gold and copper shimmer.

Essie - Armed and Ready

Armed and Ready is a greenish, bluish grey with a subtle gold/copper shimmer. Like Rescue Beauty Lounge's Piumosso, the shimmer doesn't show very much in low lighting, but shines more in direct sun. It's pretty opaque and takes only two thin coats to cover fully. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. I like more prominent shimmers in polishes, and I was hoping it was more of a drab olive green. Oh well, it's still pretty, just not as much as I was hoping for.

Essie Armed and Ready & S-he 466

It didn't occur to me to compare these two until I grabbed up S-he 466 to give as an extra little something for the giveaway. But they are actually very close! The base in 466 is a tiny bit lighter and bluer, and it's not as opaque. You can see a couple of bald spots in the pic, so it could maybe use a third coat. The shimmer is a little more evident in 466 and a tad bit more yellow gold than the bronze-y gold of Armed and Ready. From a distance, I can't tell the difference at all, so in my opinion, there's no need to own both.

Essie's new collection (including Armed and Ready) is now available in stores such as Target, Walgreens, and Ulta.  The S-he is a little harder to get in the US.  I got it in a swap with a girl in Slovenia (Dolores from Colorful Bottle).


  1. So nice your new look at the top bar. I absolutely love stars galaxies photos. As for the polish, with this shimmer make the color even more interesting. =)

    1. Thanks so much! I was wondering if I wanted to change my blog look a little... it turned out completely different but I like it so far!

  2. I really like this color it has depth. Very cool!

    Nail Diva from

  3. SO I'm in Target and I see the new display for this collection-I immediately grabbed go overboard and armed and ready. I got home and a few days later I was gonna wear Armed and ready-but when I looked at the bottle, I realized it didn't look like the swatches I had seen-guess what? They had put power clutch in the armed and ready slot and stupid me never bothered to read the label and make sure I was buying the right one!! So now I have 2 power clutch and no armed and ready. and I NEED it!!!

    1. Hahaha! Power clutch is one of my FAVORITES (probably my favorite grey actually)! This one is pretty, too, but I wish the shimmer stood out more.

  4. Oh yes! I love that Essie shade and I'm glad you did this comparison. I have S-he 466, so I guess I won't be needing the Essie one. Thanks!

    1. Yeah, I've been trying really hard lately not to by polishes that I have a potential dupe for... but if it does happen (like this), I figure I'll make it worth the money by putting up a comparison, haha.

  5. Replies
    1. Of course! Let me know if there are any other comparisons you'd like to see! :o)

  6. Cool!! They are so close!
    Love your blog!! Greets from Spain :)
    Toxic Vanity

  7. This is so lovely. I really like that is different from the other army greens I have.

  8. Great comparison! I'm excited to wear this! :)

  9. LOL I just swatched comp photos of this today! I found a Love & Beauty (noname of course) which is very close, nice to know there's another one out there!

  10. This is really pretty, the shimmer really makes it stand out!

  11. Nice color :)

    I wanted to tell you that I tagged you for the 11 questions tag :) here's the link:

  12. This would fit nicely with my 2 frankens, I love this shimmer!

  13. Oh how I love the shimmer in this polish!


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