
Friday, January 6, 2012

Butter London Tart with a Heart (layered)

First of all, I should give credit where credit is due: I didn't come up with this layering combo. The original creator of this masterpiece is Scrangie. In fact, if not for her post about these two polishes, I would never have bought or wanted Tart with a Heart at all.

If you remember, I had no interest in this set at all because I immediately deemed Black Knight "easily franken-duped." So I did just that, I frankened what I believe is a pretty close dupe (you can see it here on its own). But once I saw Scrangie's post where she layered the two, I just HAD to have Tart.

Check out the EPIC layered combo of Mid Knight (Black Knight dupe) with one coat of Tart with a Heart!

Mid Knight and Butter London Tart with a Heart

Incidentally, I had just a plain glossy black polish (China Glaze Liquid Leather) on for a couple days and it was showing major shrinkage from the China Glaze Fast Forward top coat, so I figured I'd quickly swatch this combo over it so I could put it up on the blog. Well, this is yet another example where I decided to go ahead and put it on every other finger and actually WEAR it for a couple days. Seriously, this combo is so awesome. Even though it made me spend $15 for Tart (on ebay), I love Scrangie for posting it. In my mind, it's worth every penny.


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