
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nubar Wildlife Swatch

Nubar Wildlife seems to be a true DUOchrome in that it switches (almost "flips" between a pink/copper and a grassy green). It's one of those that looks very nice on my skin with the mossy green and earthy tones.

Nubar - Wildlife

It's too funny... for some reason I ALWAYS want to call this one "Wildfire" instead of "Wildlife." Oh well :o)

Here are the underwater pics for this one. You can see that the color range is not very big on this one, but the colors altogether are quite beautiful!

As you can see, I had a pretty low break on my middle finger (which I tried to patch, but that only lasted a couple days, then it snapped off while I was building my Lego Yoda). But I recently had a company called KKCenterHK contact me and as me to do a review of one of their products, so I wanted to give you a sneak peek:

These are French tip water decals, and I love the pattern because it looks so "autumn" to me!  I can't wait to try them, but with my short, stubby nails you wouldn't be able to see any of the pattern.  I'm going to wait until my nails grow out so that I can get nice, pretty pictures of them!

In the meantime, you can browse all of their neat nail decals and such at their website: KKCenterHK.  They have so many awesome decals and there are so many I'd love to try!


  1. I loooove this color! It's perfect for fall, I think. And I always try to call it Wildfire too! Haha.

  2. I LOVE your underwater trick! It works so well!! And this color is soooooo awesome!!!

  3. I'm drooling over your duo/multichrome swatches!
    And these underwater pix are amazing!! they make the multichrome stands out! Out do you technically take pix seems difficult...!!


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