
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fire Kitty and Nails!

So maybe you didn't know this, but I love World of Warcraft. My two mains (nope, I can't pick just one) are a gnome warlock named Whatsit (Chief has a gnome rogue named Whoosit... aren't we cute??) and a feral druid named Zyrah. Last night, Zyrah brought down the 6th boss in Firelands for the third time and Fandral's Flamescythe dropped!

All of my combat is in cat form, and this staff makes my character look like this:

I was so excited that all night I dreamed of ways of putting these flames onto my nails, and here's how it came out. I'm pretty happy with it, though I might do it again with a little more orange next time (less red). I used Zoya Kimmy for the base (2 coats), then lightly brushed Zoya Tanzy over it starting a little farther towards the tips each time, then added just a hint of China Glaze Lighthouse on the very tips.

I'm still so incredibly excited I can't stop squeaking now and then :o)

EDIT:  By the way, all of my Wow characters or on the US Doomhammer server.  Let me know if you have a toon there or would like to try playing and I can send you an invite for a trial account!


  1. Awesome, didn't know you played wow. I do too, my mains a Resto Druid on Stormscale EU goes by Hattie. I'm collecting the embers for my staff atm as well as progressing on heroics in FL ^^ x

  2. I almost tried resto-ing, but ended up attempting bear tanking instead :o) We're working on Rags now, then on to heroics. Our guild has never been that intent on progression, so I'm pretty proud of our accomplishments so far.

  3. Grats! That staff and your nails looks bangin'! I play WoW too, as a ele shaman on Emerald Dream. What server do you play on?

  4. Fabulous gradient! I love it.

    I just show this to my bf who is the wow person in our house and not only was he impressed with your character and staff, he was also impressed with your nails so now I have permission to pick up these polishes!

  5. Really gorgeous, it reminds me of sunset!

  6. Whoa, this is an awesome post. I used to be a big WoW player, though it's been a while since I've played on retail servers, so I didn't even know that fiery cat form existed. That's so cool. Love the manicure, too!

  7. o.O This manicure has epic proportions. SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

  8. This post is all kinds of awesome! WoW AND fire nails? Just awesome.

  9. I agree with AmyGrace so lovely

  10. Ok, I love this! I used to play World of Warcraft. I love the idea of getting manicure inspiration from the graphics!

  11. This is simply gorgeous! I'm going to have to give it a try, but I have a feeling it'll just be a bit disappointing after seeing yours. Awesome job!


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