
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Most Underrated Polish from Anchors Away: Knotty

I mentioned in an earlier post that I thought Knotty might be a suitable match for my skin. In fact, this polish is the most perfect nude polish I've found yet. It's got that glass-fleck sparkle (which is fine by me... the more sparkly the better!) and more yellow/tan tone that most of the nude polishes out there. Just look at how BEAUTIFUL this is!  This is two coats and it's still a tiny bit sheer, but I actually like it that way.

China Glaze - Knotty

In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated polishes from the latest China Glaze collection, Anchors Away. It is my favorite just because it matches my skin so perfectly. Although somehow my camera managed to find a slight color difference, I assure you that in person it's a perfect match.  I know this probably won't work on those with pinker, cooler tones in their skin, but if you have more olive tones, you should give this one a shot!  It's quite sparkly in the sun, but it has a nice clean pearly appearance in lower lighting.

On a side note, how do you like my new blog colors? I thought black and grey were a bit boring (although I liked the neutrality contrasting with the colorful polishes) so I tried green and gold. What do you think? Should I keep it or change it back?


  1. a very nice nude polish, i've yet to try that. =)

  2. This is really gorgeous! I wish I could find this shade and the other half of the Anchors Away collection, my CosmoProf only carried 1/2!

  3. This looks awesome on you!
    I saw it in a nail store and wanted to get it, but I knew it would look terrible on me.
    You're lucky to be able to wear these colors.

    And I like the color scheme! It makes me think of lord of the rings. n_n

  4. Reminds me my favorite nude - OPI Sand In My Suit, it´s pretty and suitable!

  5. I'm glad you really like this polish but on me- it makes my nails look dirty :/

  6. I think that I've never worn a nude polish in my life, but this is the second nude polish I like so much on you, that I just might try a nude look on my nails =)

    I really like this color change, though the ones before weren't bad =)

  7. i love these kinds of polishes, but this one was just a hair too dark to make this my perfect nude - i'm so jealous it worked for you! ;)

    love your blog btw!! :D

  8. @colorfulbottle - I didn't think I'd like nude polishes until I tried one one and it just looks so "clean" after all the colorful polishes I wear!

    @Normal Girl - thank you so much! I'm still pretty new to blogging, but I enjoy it :o)

  9. Love my Knotty polish! I also have Starboard which is a perfect gorgeous green. I want to get Firstmate and Below Deck.


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