
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emerald Green Holo!! (Franken)

One of Michelle's (from All Lacquered Up) wishes this year was for an emerald green holo. I found a gorgeous forest green holo on Konad-licious the other day (here), and absolutely HAD to have one, so I decided I'd try frankening one. I've only made one or two other frankens that were nothing special, so I didn't have very high hopes for this one...

But holy gooses, it came out SO AWESOME! I was able to capture some of the rainbows in this, but not as well as I'd liked. Imagine this looking a lot like a green version of DS Glamour. It's kind of in between a smooth (Nfu-Oh) holo and a scattered holo (like DS Extravagance).

And of course, the recipe! I think I used about 1/3 Nfu-Oh 62 (though I think any Nfu-Oh holo would work) and 2/3 Nfu-Oh 569 (Nars Zulu close dupe). Then I added just a couple drops of China Glaze Calypso Blue (you can use any dark blue jelly) to even out the green and give it that perfect emerald hue.

I'm pretty sure the key to making darker holo frankens is to use jelly polishes instead of cremes. I only made a tiny bottle of this, and I'm wishing I made more. I might actually buy more Nfu-Oh's just to make more of this one!

Now I need your help in naming this beauty! It deserves a freaking cool name, but I haven't been able to come up with one yet... help me out!

So what do you think of this green holo? Have you frankened any awesome brightly colored holos? What other bright holos would you like to see?


  1. Oh, that is absolutely gorgeous. I frakened on myself to make my own Slamming red. I haven't swatched it though. Do you like pink? How about a neon pink holo (if that would even work!)

  2. New to your blog, but I LOVE it already! My vote is for the Wizard of Emerald City!

  3. GORGEOUS - and I am not a big green polish girl.

    I nominate Emerald City b/c that's what it reminds me of.

  4. Now that is a cool HOLO!!! I really like it and Nfu-Oh polishes are awesome. As for a name I'm thinking something from the Wizard of Oz. Perhaps
    "Pay No Attention To the Man Behind The Curtain" or if that's too long how about "The Great and Powerful Oz"

  5. Holy cow this is totally abnormally awesome!! It's perfect! If you made a gallon of it you could live of our payments for a year! My suggestion on name: Rainbow in a Rainforest. I like the "rain" in both words. ;D

  6. Girl, I'm going to steal that one from you.. It's freakin' awesome! I'm really bad in naming polishes, 'Emerald Dream' maybe? 'Cause it'll definitely be in mý dreams =) Good job!

  7. Cool job, it's pretty much the same color as mine! I think it was also made with Nfu 569, a few drops of black and an Ozotic Pro holo in silver.
    Great job and thanks for the link!

  8. I would love a holo in red, because that's my favourite color (:

  9. this is PERFECTION!! i'm sooo attempting to make this baby!

  10. I JUST found your blog and wow is this franken amazing. You should make huge batches of it and sell it hahaha, I know I'd pay for it!

  11. I just found your blog today, but I saw this *gorgeous* emerald green in one of the "you might also like" pictures under a post and HAD to CLICK! What's funny, is my first thought after reading your naming question was "Emerald City"...and I scroll down to the comments and see two other readers already suggesting it, and a third offering other Oz-related name suggestions.

    That is a seriously GLORIOUS polish you've come up with there. I don't spend a whole lot of money on this hobby, and I would totally buy that one!

  12. yum yum yum! for the name I kinda like cheesy awesomeness of Green Goose Caboose :D but I also like Rainbow in a Rainforest

  13. If you ever decide to sell this, call me ;p


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