
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Diamond Cosmetics Cherry Tobacco

I forgot how much I loved this polish until I put it on again yesterday to take a swatch picture. See, this beauty is being packed away for a swap and Dolores (from A Colorful Bottle) asked me to swatch it one more time to make sure I wanted to send it and so that I had pictures for my blog.

Of course, I fell in love with it all over again when I put it on, but that's when I realized that I CAN'T WAIT to send it to her! I know she will love it and it will probably be one of her favorites, too!

This baby is a beauty even in the shade - a very dark, vampy maroon. But it really comes alive in the sun... Check out this glowy amazing-ness!

So here is my parting with Diamond Cosmetics Cherry Tobacco. (Although I have to admit, I'm already planning another Diamond Cosmetics order for the near future... this one is included). This is probably in my top 10 polishes of all time, and I'm so excited to hear what Dolores thinks of this one - it's already all packed up and ready to go!

**On a side note... I've been using LUSH Lemony Flutter cuticle butter for a few days now, and HOLY GOOSES, my cuticles look SO much better in my photos. I didn't notice too much difference until I went to edit these photos and I didn't have to do ANY retouching! Wow! I'm hooked...

Have you ever done nail polish swaps before? Are you as in love with Cherry Tobacco as I am?


  1. Gorgeous! And I think she'll love it, it's really generous of you to send her the polish. :) And yes, I'm the process of my very first swap and I'm having tons of fun. :D

  2. This is pretty! I love how it has such a pretty shimmer.

  3. Wow! Just lovely! I can't resist a vampy polish with a sparkle! And yes your cuticles look fab! I've got cuticle envy and may just have to pay a visit to Lush!

  4. Wow, it looked completely brown in the first picture!

  5. This is a gorgeous color, with a very weird name :)

    I have never done an official swap, but when I find that a color doesn't work for me, I just give it to a friend. Are you thinking of having one?

    I just discovered your blog! It's so great!

  6. Rad polish that is! :) And Lemony Flutter is the best!

    I think your blog is cool so I've tagged you in a Stylish Blogger Award!

  7. Good heavens!!! That shine is 1000 watts!

  8. wow, how could I miss this post =)? This polish is amazing, I really can't wait to try it out =)))). I already know that this will definitely be my top 10 if not 5 =).
    I started using Lemony Flutter a month ago, and I think that this is a purchase that I'll never regret and will definitely buy it again=).

    Again I don't know how to thank you for all the amazing polishes you have packed for me =)

  9. Hi - i have a friend who loves the Cherry Tobacco polish - i know its a long shot but does anyone have one that she could buy from you ? It would be such a surprise for her xx Thanks

  10. I LOVE IT!!!!...please, will you tell me how can i have it???...and where can i find one like that?


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