
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Zoya Sparkle Swatches

So I didn't quite realize how much of my time school would be taking up for the next few weeks, and I technically should be doing homework instead of posting, but oh well. I took these pictures a couple days ago, and wanted to get them up here for you to see.

Zoya - Ivanka

This green is AMAZING and is a little tiny bit more yellow green than in the photo, but it's pretty close.

Zoya - Charla

Gorgeous teal blue! It's actually quite a bit more green (more true teal) than it shows, and absolutely mesmerizing in the sun!!

Zoya - Mimi

I have a lot of purples (including Milani Totally Cool and Hot Topic Iridescent Purple), but this one is still different. It's almost like the little gold-ish flecks stay underneath the surface, so they appear more rosy-purple. And still crazy sparkly!

Zoya - Alegra

So this one really surprised me. It's PERFECT. I don't normally like pinks much (I'm more of a blue/green/purple polish kind of girl), but I didn't want to take this one off. I started wishing I'd swatched this last so I could just leave it on. I think it might be my favorite *gasp*.

Zoya - Gilda

So apparently I didn't do a good enough job of capturing the difference between Alegra and Gilda. Gilda look much more "hot pink" than Alegra, which is more of a magenta.

Zoya - Gilda (sun)

It was at this point that I realized I should probably be taking pics of these in the sun as well to show the crazy sparkle... after I'd already swatched the others... oh well.

Zoya - Nidhi

Pretty awesome color, and it really stands out from the rest because the base is much more creamy and opaque. Really, really cool.

Altogether, I'm SO in love with this collection. I took the set to show my mom and sister and they decided they need a set of them as well! I usually never feel the need to buy a whole set of nail polishes because not all of the colors are "me," but even the pinks and reds in this one were so PERFECT, and I'm even considering that I need a backup set... whoa.

Nfu-oh 062 (sun)

And last but not least, this was my NOTD after swatching. It's my first Nfu-oh holo, and it's SOOOO rainbow-y! Even in shade and artificial light, it was very distracting!


  1. Very nice swatches. Congratulations on beginning of your blog.

  2. Where do you buy Zoya? I would like to try Nidhi and Charla!

  3. Oh my, I feel like I need all of these. :(


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